How to start a blog

What is blog? A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Good examples of this include a food blog…

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to host and build websites. WordPress contains plugin architecture and a…

Managed WordPress Hosting

What is the difference between WordPress hosting and managed WordPress hosting? Only WordPress Sites Allowed: While shared hosting allows you to host any website you want including simple HTML pages, managed hosting companies only allow you to host WordPress sites on their servers. Is managed WordPress better? Your site will load faster – all things equal,…

Does Data Center Location matter for Bangladeshi website?

When you’re choosing a web hosting company on which to host and store your important data, the server specifications (RAM, processor, storage, etc.) are undoubtedly important. However, one detail you won’t want to overlook when deciding on web hosting is your server’s data center location. This refers to the exact building where your server hardware will be…

Email Hosting in Bangladesh

Email Hosting in Bangladesh

Email stands for electronic mail. Ray Tomlinson is universally credited as the creator of email as part of a program for ARPANET in 1971. What is email? Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices. Email entered limited use in the 1960s, but users could only send to users of the…

Ecommerce website design with yoome theme

Yoome is a WooCommerce WordPress theme designed for shopping online stores. Yoome includes a lot of pre-designed layouts for home page, product page to give you best selections in customization. Yoome is suitable for the eCommerce websites such as supermarket, fashion, electronic, cosmetic, glasses, stationery, furniture … or anything you want. Yoome is a professional WordPress theme….