Integrating External APIs with wp_remote_get() in WordPress

wp_remote_get() is a function used to send an HTTP GET request to a specified URL and retrieve the response. It is a part of the WordPress HTTP API, which provides a set of functions for making HTTP requests from within WordPress.

The basic syntax of wp_remote_get() is as follows:

wp_remote_get( string $url, array $args = array() );


  • $url (string, required): The URL to which the GET request is sent.
  • $args (array, optional): An array of arguments to customize the request. It allows you to set headers, data, authentication, and other parameters.

Return Value: wp_remote_get() returns either a WP_Error object on failure or an array containing the following elements on success:

  • ‘headers’ (array): An associative array of response headers.
  • ‘body’ (string): The response body.
  • ‘response’ (array): An array containing ‘code’ (HTTP status code) and ‘message’ (HTTP status message).

Example Usage:

$response = wp_remote_get( '' );

if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) && $response['response']['code'] === 200 ) {
    $data = json_decode( $response['body'], true );
    // Process the data retrieved from the API
} else {
    // Handle the error or failed request

wp_remote_get() is often used in WordPress plugins and themes to fetch data from external APIs, remote web servers, or other websites. It’s a useful function for integrating external data into your WordPress site and performing various tasks that involve making HTTP GET requests.

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