Difference between do_blocks() and render_block()

Let’s clarify the difference between do_blocks() and render_block():

  1. do_blocks():
    • do_blocks() is a WordPress function used to parse and process Gutenberg blocks within a given content string.
    • It is responsible for converting block-related markup within a post or page content into the appropriate HTML output.
    • It is typically used to process the content before displaying it on the front-end of the website.
    • The function traverses the content, identifies block-related markup, and replaces it with the appropriate HTML output based on the block type and settings.
    • do_blocks() is commonly used in template files or within custom functions to ensure that Gutenberg blocks within the content are rendered correctly.
  2. render_block():
    • render_block() is a WordPress function used to programmatically render a specific Gutenberg block or a group of blocks.
    • It allows you to generate the HTML output of a block or group of blocks dynamically.
    • You can specify the block(s) you want to render by providing the block name(s) or using a block’s unique identifier(s).
    • The function returns the rendered HTML output of the specified block(s) as a string.
    • render_block() is useful when you need to programmatically render blocks in specific parts of your PHP code, such as within theme templates or custom plugin functions.

In summary, do_blocks() is used to process and render blocks within the content of a post or page, while render_block() is used to programmatically generate the HTML output of specific blocks or groups of blocks.

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